
5-Year Project: 2013 Review

By: Clau González on 12/12/2014 at 8:41 PM Categories:

Another year in review. There were 343 articles. YAY! And by that I mean eeks!

It somehow just hit me. Each year there are about 345 spots in the A journals in my field. How am I supposed to publish in these places - seriously. And it is not just me. It is everyone on this field.  Sigh. As a future member of this profession I am more than a little concerned with this whole "A Journal" definition.

Here are the articles I liked the most:

  1. Berrone, P., Fosfuri, A., Gelabert, L., & Gomez‐Mejia, L. R. 2013. Necessity as the mother of “green”inventions: Institutional pressures and environmental innovations. Strategic Management Journal, 34(8): 891–909.
  2. Delbridge, R., & Fiss, P. C. 2013. Editors’ comments:: styles of theorizing and the social organization of knowledge. Academy of management review, 38(3): 325–331.
  3. Hutzschenreuter, T., & Horstkotte, J. 2013. Performance effects of top management team demographic faultlines in the process of product diversification. Strategic Management Journal, 34(6): 704–726.
  4. Jay, J. 2012. Navigating paradox as a mechanism of change and innovation in hybrid organizations. Academy of Management Journal, amj–2010.
  5. Kaplan, S., & Orlikowski, W. J. 2013. Temporal work in strategy making. Organization science, 24(4): 965–995.
  6. Kownatzki, M., Walter, J., Floyd, S., & Lechner, C. 2012. Corporate Control and the Speed of SBU-Level Decision Making. Academy of Management Journal, amj–2011.
  7. Krause, R., Semadeni, M., & Cannella, A. A. 2013. External COO/presidents as expert directors: A new look at the service role of boards. Strategic Management Journal, 34(13): 1628–1641.
  8. Li, Q., Maggitti, P. G., Smith, K. G., Tesluk, P. E., & Katila, R. 2013. Top management attention to innovation: The role of search selection and intensity in new product introductions. Academy of management journal, 56(3): 893–916.
  9. Marquis, C., & Lee, M. 2013. Who is governing whom? Executives, governance, and the structure of generosity in large US firms. Strategic Management Journal, 34(4): 483–497.
  10. Mayer, K. J., & Sparrowe, R. T. 2013. Integrating Theories in AMJ Articles. Academy of Management Journal, 56(4): 917–922.
  11. McPherson, C. M., & Sauder, M. 2013. Logics in Action Managing Institutional Complexity in a Drug Court. Administrative Science Quarterly, 0001839213486447.
  12. Miller, C. C., Washburn, N. T., & Glick, W. H. 2013. PERSPECTIVE—The Myth of Firm Performance. Organization Science, 24(3): 948–964.
  13. Nielsen, B. B., & Nielsen, S. 2013. Top management team nationality diversity and firm performance: a multilevel study. Strategic Management Journal, 34(3): 373–382.
  14. Pache, A.-C., & Santos, F. 2012. Inside the hybrid organization: Selective coupling as a response to conflicting institutional logics. Academy of Management Journal, amj–2011.
  15. Paroutis, S., & Heracleous, L. 2013. Discourse revisited: Dimensions and employment of first‐order strategy discourse during institutional adoption. Strategic Management Journal, 34(8): 935–956.
  16. Pollock, T. G., & Bono, J. E. 2013. Being Scheherazade: The Importance of Storytelling in Academic Writing. Academy of Management Journal, 56(3): 629–634.
  17. Priem, R., Butler, J., & Li, S. 2013. Toward reimagining strategy research: Retrospection and prospection on the 2011 AMR decade award article. Academy of Management Review, amr–2013.
  18. Sauermann, H., & Stephan, P. 2013. Conflicting logics? A multidimensional view of industrial and academic science. Organization Science, 24(3): 889–909.
  19. Tilcsik, A., & Marquis, C. 2013. Punctuated Generosity How Mega-events and Natural Disasters Affect Corporate Philanthropy in US Communities. Administrative science quarterly, 0001839213475800.
  20. Venkataraman, S., Sarasvathy, S. D., Dew, N., & Forster, W. R. 2013. Of narratives and artifacts. Academy of Management Review, 38(1): 163–166.
  21. Wright, A. L., & Zammuto, R. F. 2013. Wielding the willow: Processes of institutional change in English county cricket. Academy of Management Journal, 56(1): 308–330.
  22. Zhang, J., & Luo, X. R. 2013. Dared to Care: Organizational Vulnerability, Institutional Logics, and MNCs’ Social Responsiveness in Emerging Markets. Organization Science, 24(6): 1742–1764.