
5-Year Project: 2011 Review

By: Clau González on 11/28/2014 at 11:21 AM Categories:

This year, I reviewed 327 articles. I liked 54 of them. That is more than usual, but during this year there were some pretty awesome meta-analyses and other articles describing the process of theory-building. Which, in my book, is the equivalent of finding gold at the end of the rainbow. Only better. Because what would I do with gold? Great articles, on the other hand, are like oxygen for PhD students. And we can all agree oxygen is more important than gold.

Here are the articles:

  1. Alvesson, M., & Sandberg, J. 2011. Generating research questions through problematization. Academy of Management Review, 36(2): 247–271.
  2. Bailey, D. E., & Barley, S. R. 2011. Teaching-learning ecologies: Mapping the environment to structure through action. Organization Science, 22(1): 262–285.
  3. Battilana, J. 2011. The enabling role of social position in diverging from the institutional status quo: Evidence from the UK National Health Service. Organization Science, 22(4): 817–834.
  4. Bechky, B. A., & Okhuysen, G. A. 2011. Expecting the unexpected? How SWAT officers and film crews handle surprises. Academy of Management Journal, 54(2): 239–261.
  5. Bingham, C. B., & Eisenhardt, K. M. 2011. Rational heuristics: the “simple rules” that strategists learn from process experience. Strategic Management Journal, 32(13): 1437–1464.
  6. Boivie, S., Lange, D., McDonald, M. L., & Westphal, J. D. 2011. Me or we: The effects of CEO organizational identification on agency costs. Academy of Management Journal, 54(3): 551–576.
  7. Bono, J. E., & McNamara, G. 2011. Publishing in AMJ—Part 2: Research design. Academy of Management Journal, 54(4): 657–660.
  8. Borgatti, S. P., & Halgin, D. S. 2011. On network theory. Organization Science, 22(5): 1168–1181.
  9. Burton, R. M., & Obel, B. 2011. Computational modeling for what-is, what-might-be, and what-should-be studies-And triangulation. Organization Science, 22(5): 1195–1202.
  10. Colquitt, J. A., & George, G. 2011. Publishing in AMJ—part 1: topic choice. Academy of Management Journal, 54(3): 432–435.
  11. Corley, K. 2011. The coming of age for qualitative research: Embracing the diversity of qualitative methods. Academy of Management Journal, 54(2): 233–237.
  12. Corley, K. G., & Gioia, D. A. 2011. Building theory about theory building: what constitutes a theoretical contribution? Academy of Management Review, 36(1): 12–32.
  13. Crossan, M. M., Maurer, C. C., & White, R. E. 2011. Reflections on the 2009 AMR decade award: do we have a theory of organizational learning? Academy of Management Review, 36(3): 446–460.
  14. Crossland, C., & Hambrick, D. 2011. Differences in managerial discretion across countries: how nation‐level institutions affect the degree to which ceos matter. Strategic Management Journal., October 24, 2014.
  15. Desai, V. M. 2011. Mass media and massive failures: Determining organizational efforts to defend field legitimacy following crises. Academy of Management Journal, 54(2): 263–278.
  16. Dowell, G. W. S., Shackell, M. B., & Stuart, N. V. 2011. Boards, CEOs, and surviving a financial crisis: Evidence from the internet shakeout. Strategic Management Journal, 32(10): 1025–1045.
  17. Garud, R., Dunbar, R. L. M., & Bartel, C. A. 2011. Dealing with unusual experiences: A narrative perspective on organizational learning. Organization science, 22(3): 587–601.
  18. Geletkanycz, M. A., & Boyd, B. K. 2011. CEO outside directorships and firm performance: A reconciliation of agency and embeddedness views. Academy of Management Journal, 54(2): 335–352.
  19. Grant, A. M., & Berry, J. W. 2011. The necessity of others is the mother of invention: Intrinsic and prosocial motivations, perspective taking, and creativity. Academy of Management Journal, 54(1): 73–96.
  20. Grant, A. M., & Pollock, T. G. 2011. Publishing in AMJ—Part 3: Setting the hook. Academy of Management Journal, 54(5): 873–879.
  21. Greve, H. R. 2011. Fast and expensive: The diffusion of a disappointing innovation. Strategic Management Journal, 32(9): 949–968.
  22. Hillman, A. 2011. Editor’s Comments: What IS the Future of Theory? Academy of Management Review, 36(4): 606–608.
  23. Howard-Grenville, J., Golden-Biddle, K., Irwin, J., & Mao, J. 2011. Liminality as cultural process for cultural change. Organization Science, 22(2): 522–539.
  24. Kellogg, K. C. 2011. Hot lights and cold steel: Cultural and political toolkits for practice change in surgery. Organization Science, 22(2): 482–502.
  25. Kilduff, M., Mehra, A., & Dunn, M. B. 2011. From blue sky research to problem solving: A philosophy of science theory of new knowledge production. Academy of Management Review, 36(2): 297–317.
  26. Kirca, A. H., Hult, G. T. M., Roth, K., Cavusgil, S. T., Perryy, M. Z., Akdeniz, M. B., et al. 2011. Firm-specific assets, multinationality, and financial performance: A meta-analytic review and theoretical integration. Academy of Management Journal, 54(1): 47–72.
  27. Kulich, C., Trojanowski, G., Ryan, M. K., Alexander Haslam, S., & Renneboog, L. D. R. 2011. Who gets the carrot and who gets the stick? Evidence of gender disparities in executive remuneration. Strategic Management Journal, 32(3): 301–321.
  28. Levinthal, D. A. 2011. A behavioral approach to strategy—what’s the alternative? Strategic Management Journal, 32(13): 1517–1523.
  29. Marcel, J. J., Barr, P. S., & Duhaime, I. M. 2011. The influence of executive cognition on competitive dynamics. Strategic Management Journal, 32(2): 115–138.
  30. McDonald, M. L., & Westphal, J. D. 2011. My brother’s keeper? CEO identification with the corporate elite, social support among CEOs, and leader effectiveness. Academy of Management Journal, 54(4): 661–693.
  31. Miller, K. D., & Tsang, E. W. K. 2011. Testing management theories: critical realist philosophy and research methods. Strategic Management Journal, 32(2): 139–158.
  32. Muller, A., & Kräussl, R. 2011. Doing good deeds in times of need: A strategic perspective on corporate disaster donations. Strategic Management Journal, 32(9): 911–929.
  33. Nembhard, I. M., & Tucker, A. L. 2011. Deliberate learning to improve performance in dynamic service settings: Evidence from hospital intensive care units. Organization Science, 22(4): 907–922.
  34. Nicolini, D. 2011. Practice as the site of knowing: insights from the field of telemedicine. Organization Science, 22(3): 602–620.
  35. Oh, C. H., & Oetzel, J. 2011. Multinationals’ response to major disasters: how does subsidiary investment vary in response to the type of disaster and the quality of country governance? Strategic Management Journal, 32(6): 658–681.
  36. Okhuysen, G., & Bonardi, J.-P. 2011. The challenges of building theory by combining lenses. Academy of Management Review, 36(1): 6–11.
  37. Oswick, C., Fleming, P., & Hanlon, G. 2011. From borrowing to blending: Rethinking the processes of organizational theory building. Academy of Management Review, 36(2): 318–337.
  38. Park, S. H., Westphal, J. D., & Stern, I. 2011. Set up for a fall the insidious effects of flattery and opinion conformity toward corporate leaders. Administrative Science Quarterly, 56(2): 257–302.
  39. Powell, T. C. 2011. Neurostrategy. Strategic Management Journal, 32(13): 1484–1499.
  40. Raes, A. M. L., Heijltjes, M. G., Glunk, U., & Roe, R. A. 2011. The interface of the top management team and middle managers: A process model. Academy of Management Review, 36(1): 102–126.
  41. Robert Mitchell, J., Shepherd, D. A., & Sharfman, M. P. 2011. Erratic strategic decisions: when and why managers are inconsistent in strategic decision making. Strategic Management Journal, 32(7): 683–704.
  42. Sandberg, J., & Tsoukas, H. 2011. Grasping the logic of practice: Theorizing through practical rationality. Academy of Management Review, 36(2): 338–360.
  43. Shepherd, D. A., & Sutcliffe, K. M. 2011. Inductive top-down theorizing: A source of new theories of organization. Academy of Management Review, 36(2): 361–380.
  44. Shipp, A. J., & Jansen, K. J. 2011. Reinterpreting time in fit theory: Crafting and recrafting narratives of fit in medias res. Academy of Management Review, 36(1): 76–101.
  45. Sitkin, S. B., See, K. E., Miller, C. C., Lawless, M. W., & Carton, A. M. 2011. The paradox of stretch goals: Organizations in pursuit of the seemingly impossible. Academy of Management Review, 36(3): 544–566.
  46. Sparrowe, R. T., & Mayer, K. J. 2011. Publishing in AMJ—Part 4: Grounding Hypotheses. Academy of Management Journal, 54(6): 1098–1102.
  47. Suddaby, R., Hardy, C., & Huy, Q. N. 2011. Introduction to special topic forum: Where are the new theories of organization? Academy of Management Review, 36(2): 236–246.
  48. Thompson, M. 2011. Ontological shift or ontological drift? Reality claims, epistemological frameworks, and theory generation in organization studies. Academy of Management Review, 36(4): 754–773.
  49. Tsang, E. W. K., & Ellsaesser, F. 2011. How contrastive explanation facilitates theory building. Academy of Management Review, 36(2): 404–419.
  50. Vaara, E., & Tienari, J. 2011. On the narrative construction of multinational corporations: An antenarrative analysis of legitimation and resistance in a cross-border merger. Organization Science, 22(2): 370–390.
  51. Walsh, I. J., & Bartunek, J. M. 2011. Cheating the fates: Organizational foundings in the wake of demise. Academy of Management Journal, 54(5): 1017–1044.
  52. Whiteman, G., & Cooper, W. H. 2011. Ecological sensemaking. Academy of Management Journal, 54(5): 889–911.
  53. Wong, E. M., Ormiston, M. E., & Tetlock, P. E. 2011. The effects of top management team integrative complexity and decentralized decision making on corporate social performance. Academy of Management Journal, 54(6): 1207–1228.
  54. Wowak, A. J., Hambrick, D. C., & Henderson, A. D. 2011. Do CEOs encounter within-tenure settling up? A multiperiod perspective on executive pay and dismissal. Academy of Management Journal, 54(4): 719–739.