
5-Year Project: 2009 Review

By: Clau González on 10/31/2014 at 10:11 AM Categories:
If I did not know I was a researcher focused on organizations, this year certainly would have cleared it up. Since the management department at my school is divided between organizational behavior and strategy, it is good to see evidence (in the form of a word cloud) of my preferences.

I originally chose strategy because I wanted to do something different than what I focused on at my last job (human resources). But going agains everything I knew was not easy. Ever since I started, I had some doubts about my chosen side of the house. With this year of review under my belt (not to mention two years of coursework), I am absolutely sure I chose right.

Words such as firm, organizational, and institutional all speak to the macro side of the house. So YAY me! I am right on track!

I looked at 264 different entries in the top five strategic management journals. Of those, I immediately liked 31 articles:
  1. Bartel, C., & Garud, R. (2009). The role of narratives in sustaining organizational innovation. Organization Science. Retrieved from
  2. Beck, T., & Plowman, D. (2009). Experiencing rare and unusual events richly: The role of middle managers in animating and guiding organizational interpretation. Organization Science. Retrieved from
  3. Berrone, P., & Gomez-Mejia, L. (2009). Environmental performance and executive compensation: An integrated agency-institutional perspective. Academy of Management Journal. Retrieved from
  4. Christianson, M., & Farkas, M. (2009). Learning through rare events: Significant interruptions at the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum. Organization  …. Retrieved from
  5. Dokko, G., Wilk, S., & Rothbard, N. (2009). Unpacking prior experience: How career history affects job performance. Organization Science. Retrieved from
  6. Fanelli, A., Misangyi, V., & Tosi, H. (2009). In charisma we trust: The effects of CEO charismatic visions on securities analysts. Organization Science. Retrieved from
  7. He, J., & Wang, H. (2009). Innovative knowledge assets and economic performance: The asymmetric roles of incentives and monitoring. Academy of Management Journal. Retrieved from
  8. Heugens, P., & Lander, M. (2009). Structure! Agency!(and other quarrels): A meta-analysis of institutional theories of organization. Academy of Management Journal. Retrieved from
  9. Holcomb, T. (2009). Making the most of what you have: managerial ability as a source of resource value creation. Strategic Management  …. Retrieved from
  10. Huang, K., & Murray, F. (2009). Does patent strategy shape the long-run supply of public knowledge? Evidence from human genetics. Academy of Management Journal. Retrieved from
  11. Kang, M., Mahoney, J., & Tan, D. (2009). Why firms make unilateral investments specific to other firms: The case of OEM suppliers. Strategic Management Journal. Retrieved from
  12. Kennedy, M., & Fiss, P. (2009). Institutionalization, framing, and diffusion: The logic of TQM adoption and implementation decisions among US hospitals. Academy of Management Journal. Retrieved from
  13. Lampel, J., Shamsie, J., & Shapira, Z. (2009). Experiencing the improbable: Rare events and organizational learning. Organization Science. Retrieved from
  14. Lee, S., & Makhija, M. (2009). Flexibility in internationalization: is it valuable during an economic crisis? Strategic Management Journal. Retrieved from
  15. Lin, Z., Yang, H., & Arya, B. (2009). Alliance partners and firm performance: resource complementarity and status association. Strategic Management Journal. Retrieved from
  16. Madsen, P. (2009). These lives will not be lost in vain: Organizational learning from disaster in US coal mining. Organization Science. Retrieved from
  17. Maguire, S., & Hardy, C. (2009). Discourse and deinstitutionalization: The decline of DDT. Academy of Management Journal. Retrieved from
  18. Marcel, J. (2009). Why top management team characteristics matter when employing a chief operating officer: A strategic contingency perspective. Strategic Management Journal. Retrieved from
  19. Miller, K., Fabian, F., & Lin, S. (2009). Strategies for online communities. Strategic Management Journal. Retrieved from
  20. Moldoveanu, M. (2009). Thinking strategically about thinking strategically: the computational structure and dynamics of managerial problem selection and formulation. Strategic Management Journal. Retrieved from
  21. Nonaka, I., & Krogh, G. Von. (2009). Perspective-tacit knowledge and knowledge conversion: Controversy and advancement in organizational knowledge creation theory. Organization Science. Retrieved from
  22. Plambeck, N., & Weber, K. (2009). CEO ambivalence and responses to strategic issues. Organization Science. Retrieved from
  23. Purdy, J. M., & Gray, B. (2009). Conflicting logics, mechanisms of diffusion, and multilevel dynamics in emerging institutional fields. Academy of Management Journal, 52(2), 355–380.
  24. Reid, E., & Toffel, M. (2009). Responding to public and private politics: Corporate disclosure of climate change strategies. Strategic Management Journal. Retrieved from
  25. Rerup, C. (2009). Attentional triangulation: Learning from unexpected rare crises. Organization Science. Retrieved from
  26. Reus, T., & Ranft, A. (2009). An interpretive systems view of knowledge investments. Academy of Management  …. Retrieved from
  27. Siggelkow, N., & Rivkin, J. (2009). Hiding the evidence of valid theories: how coupled search processes obscure performance differences among organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly. Retrieved from
  28. Starbuck, W. (2009). Perspective-cognitive reactions to rare events: perceptions, uncertainty, and learning. Organization Science. Retrieved from
  29. Tsoukas, H. (2009). A dialogical approach to the creation of new knowledge in organizations. Organization Science. Retrieved from
  30. Wiersema, M., & Bowen, H. (2009). The use of limited dependent variable techniques in strategy research: issues and methods. Strategic Management Journal. Retrieved from
  31. Zollo, M. (2009). Superstitious learning with rare strategic decisions: Theory and evidence from corporate acquisitions. Organization Science. Retrieved from
Most came from Organization Science. They had two issues in late 2009 which had most of the articles that caught my attention. The wordcloud reflects the most-used words for the 31 articles cited above.

Next week, my goal is to do 2010.